我在做XDF蓝皮书时遇到几道难题,望NN们指教 1、Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources, on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone. (A) on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone (B) on the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone (C) solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided (D) while the duplication of facilities should be avoided (E) if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided 答案选了E,为什么不能选C? 2、Freedma's survey showed that people living in small towns and rural areas consider themselves no happier than do people living in big cities. (A) no happier than do people living (B) not any happier than do people living (C) not any happier than do people who live (D) no happier than are people who are living (E) not as happy as are people who live 答案是A,为什么用do不用are? 3、To read of Abigail Adams’ lengthy separation from her family, her difficult travels, and her constant battles with illness is to feel intensely how harsh life was even for the so-called aristocracy of Revolutionary times. (A) To read of (B) Reading about (C) Having read about (D) Once one reads of (E) To have read of to read of 怎么用?此题如果按平行考虑自然是A,但是read of 这种用法常见么? 4、Since chromosome damage may be caused by viral infections, medical x-rays, and exposure to sunlight, it is important that the chromosomes of a population to be tested for chemically induced damage be compared with those of a control population. (A) to be tested for chemically induced damage be compared with (B) being tested for damage induced chemically are compared with (C) being tested for chemically induced damage should be compared to (D) being tested for chemically induced damage are to be compared to (E) that is to be tested for chemically induced damage are to be comparable with 此题选A,但是为什么是chromosomes be compared with? 望指教,谢谢! |