以下是引用bubbleft在2008-2-4 23:32:00的发言: CEIBS one or two offers from AXA, 2W/month one offer from GE capital, 2W/month one offer from GSK, no more than 2.5W/month, but 60-70 students from ceibs took the interviews, even they are not from pharma industry(WHY?) one offer from CICC, no more than 2.2W/month one offer from Astrazeneca, no more than 2W/month offers from some second tier consulting companies, average number is 1.8-2.2W/month(consultant) one offer from HSBC, no less than 30W/year, he is a foreigner some offers from MCK, 60W per year CK 3-4 offers from PE/VC, average number is above 2W per month(basic salary) some, maybe 2-3, offers from IB(1 from CICC), 2W per month(basic salary) 1 offer from AXA, 2W per month 2 offers from AT.K, above 2W per month 1 offer from GSK, 40W per year some offers from IBM GBS, 25W-30W per year some offers from other consulting companies, above 25W per year 1 offer from BOCSH, 50W per year Hope it could be helpful. 楼主之前的大段分析还是不错的,后面的这些数据就有些小问题了。不知道你是有意筛选数据样本刊登在这,还是你无法搜集到足够可信的样本来说明问题。 CEIBS的offer数量和就业公司都有些小出入。 而且你很有趣的把ceibs就业的形容为“2nd tier consulting firms",然后把ck就业咨询的又指明出是ATK和some,不知道你的意思是不是说这个ATK和some就是1st tier了, 呵呵 如果你的数据搜集不够完全的话,还是不要这么举例了,以免误导学弟学妹啊,谢谢 |