以下是引用jimmycen在2008-3-8 11:53:00的发言:pre-course(经济系的2门+金融系的1门),我感觉已经>=之后将要实际使用的内容。那个纯数学和纯物理的,估计是认为LSE的Precourse没法满足他们个性化的求知欲吧。国外课程就是这样啊,内容框架都在这里,想走多深,走多细都看个人,所以才会有对于难度、挑战性的不同理解吧。 鉴于坛子里问这个课程的CDer可能更关心Final Exam的通过,所以我说不用担心,花里胡哨的数学在本课程的要求中只是借用形式,重要的还是Economic Intuition。 那个纯数学的和纯物理的大概想,PDE都出来了,应该讲讲怎么解吧,实际上根本不要求。看似涉及了Stochastic Calculus,可是还是围绕BM和Ito而已,难道还真的要搞明白费曼路径积分不成. pre-course is more economic I agree though technically by Feynman-Kac, solve PDE or conditional expectation is almost the same and the guy who's gonna solve the derivative price might choose either of them which is more easier. More generally, u will prefer to solve conditional expectation problem that's exactly BSM does. So when the lecturer teaches u how to use Feynman-Kac to translate PDE to conditional expectation or how to use Foundamental Asset Pricing Theorem (FTAP) to find the expectation problem and then solve it. You have done. You get exactly the same answer as solve PDE technically. Ofcourse, in practice, it is very often that both PDE and expectation are very difficult to solve and practitioners may prefer using simulation to solve the problem, honestly, that's this programme does't not cover. What a pity! I guess it should be covered in MFE in general. Many students in FE programme prefer to use Stochastic Calculus for Finance II continuous-time models by Steven and Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time by Tomas Bjork as the main reference text-book. I will say at least for sure the first one is widely used in MFE in the US. And almost surely the MFE doesn't require u to really understant Feynman-Kac mathematically. the logic is the requirement of perspective students in such programme is not pure math. another reasoning is that even in Steven's book which recommended for the use of master of Financial Engineering or Master of Math Finance students, Feynman-Kac is just a therom they cheated as given, no full proof in pure math is offered by the book. for the pure math and pure physicas students i mentioned, u can say any thing I could not say yes or no here. however, i just need to mention what they both said to me "the pre-course and the Quant Finance course in summer and first term are not enough preparation for students without pure math background to understand the derivative pricing easliy" for the final exam, really I am suffering a huge pressure from this issue, however, what i understand is that it is nothing but a great push for u to make ur inverstment valuable. So strongly recommendation is that pls dont join this programme if u just want a master degree from LSE or u r gonna be regretful for sure. Last year, around 10% students failed the degree. As far as I know, the students who only failed in Micro-Economics got a pass finanlly while the guys unfortunately failed in Financial Economics (direvative pricing course) failed the degree. So that's another reason I strongly disagree the point that it is an economic-oriented programme.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-9 0:26:29编辑过] |