以下是引用CedricLi在2007-6-30 0:14:00的发言:富有犯罪感得挖出古董。。。先来拜一拜。。。 关于T牛的这个观点,我抱有疑问。虽然没有在OG上找到同时存在分句并列中因为连词省略与否作为最终判定对错的例子,不过参考OG11-091以及092两题我们可以看到此二处的连词that均被省略。 其次,如假设T牛的观点正确,可以类推出“who”等连词在并列中也因为避免混淆必需要留存。但是事实上OG11-136就很好的反驳了这一推论。 因此个人认为此题中D选项从平行角度来讲没有错误。其第二部分并列成分需要that引导的原因应该从此处定语从句that不可省略的角度来考虑。 A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes. (D) many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed to come (E) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come Choices A, B, and C are flawed because the countable noun dioxins should be modified by many rather than much, which is used with uncountable nouns such as “work” and “happiness.” In addition, both A and C incorrectly use the singular verb comes with the plural noun dioxins. Choices C and D are needlessly wordy, and D requires that before North Americans, to be grammatically complete. Choice E, the best answer, is both grammatically correct and concise.
THAT 省略后,many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans 允许作为一个整体, 从而引起意思的歪曲.