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发表于 2003-12-12 14:39:00 | 只看该作者


Darwin was not the first to advance a theory of evolution; his tremendous originality lay in the fact that he proposed the idea of natural selection as the means by which evolution worked.
(A) lay in the fact that he proposed the idea
(B) lay in the fact of his proposing the idea
(C) laid in the fact of his proposing the idea
(D) laid in his proposal
(E) lay in his proposal


thx for ur time!
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 14:42:00 | 只看该作者
Since 1975 the number of women in upper-level management in American corporations have increased by 25 percent; female executives’ salaries, however, still lag behind those of their male counterparts.
(A) have increased by 25 percent; female executives’ salaries, however, still lag
(B) has increased by 25 percent, however much their salaries lag
(C) have increased 25 percent; female executives’ salaries, however, still have lagged
(D) has increased by 25 percent; female executives’ salaries, however, still lag
(E) have increased 25 percent; their salaries, however, still lag

我选b, 答案是d。 是因为b应该用"many of their salaries"么?

thx for ur time!
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 15:11:00 | 只看该作者
According to Henry David Thoreau, the reason a majority is allowed to rule is not that it is more likely to be right, but because it is stronger.
(A) the reason a majority is allowed to rule is not that it is more likely to be right, but because it is stronger
(B) a majority is allowed to rule not because it is more likely to be right, but because it is stronger
(C) the reason for majority rule is not because they are more likely to be right, they are stronger
(D) the majority is allowed to rule because of its strength, not because it is more likely to be right
(E) the reason why the majority rules is that it is strong, not because it is likely to be right

发表于 2003-12-12 15:50:00 | 只看该作者
1. 因为 lie的过去式和过去分词是: lay, lain,lie的意思是:存在于; 而lay的过去式和过去分词是laid, 意思:放置. 而his tremendous originality lay in the fact that..., 这里的动词应为"存在于"而不是"放置", 所以用lay, 一般过去式.
2. 你说的没错, 很明显的可数名次复数啊, salaries, 怎么用much修饰呢?
3. 选B对吗? 其中有几个很重要的判断原则: the reason和because 不可以同时使用, 重复. 所以根据这一条就除掉了A, C和E. 另外一个原则就是并列, not...but...的并列. 而D中前面用because of+名词, 后面却变成了not because+句子了, 最后看B, not because..., but because...对应的多漂亮啊.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 16:02:00 | 只看该作者
Not all employment selection mechanisms that have a “disparate effect,” that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to their presence in the relevant labor market, are unlawful.
(A) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to
(B) which means, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
(C) which means, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
(D) that is, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to
(E) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with

答案是d, 讲解一下吧

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 16:09:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-12-12 16:20:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lyle在2003-12-12 16:02:00的发言:
Not all employment selection mechanisms that have a “disparate effect,” that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to their presence in the relevant labor market, are unlawful.
(A) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to
(B) which means, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
(C) which means, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
(D) that is, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to
(E) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with

答案是d, 讲解一下吧

这里that is, 是插入语, 表示对前面的某一部分的解释, 究竟是从哪里开始解释, 看that is 后面, 都是用that 开头, 就是说要从前半句的that开始解释, "that have a “disparate effect",", (这么多引号, 别弄糊涂了!)因为这里that后面用的是动词原型, 对应mechanisms, 所以解释也要用动词原型: screen. 这里不能用which means, 因为which 多指代它前面的名词.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 16:55:00 | 只看该作者
“这里不能用which means, 因为which 多指代它前面的名词“
是说which指代"disparate effect"么?
发表于 2003-12-12 17:10:00 | 只看该作者
对呀, “这里不能用which means, 因为which 多指代它前面的名词“ 这个意思在ETS的OG解释里面经常看到,有印象吗?
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