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有人了解USC ED的情况么?

发表于 2007-12-5 11:21:00 | 只看该作者

有人了解USC ED的情况么?

11月1号以前(ED)申请的。一直说没收到我的TOEFL成绩。 写EMAIL问一礼拜才回。 

拖到今天早上才收到on campus interview invitation(没可能去)。12月15是ED给decision的日子。 怀疑是看我的material没齐全,到最后才瞄了眼我的申请。

我在考虑如果12月15以前能给decision就要求这礼拜做phone或者alumini interview, 不过效果毕竟不如face to face. 再一个选择就是约一月的off campus interview,等下一个decision date.

下面是对方的email, 同志们看看有没什么不同建议。

Your application has been reviewed in our early Round beginning November 1. At this time, we would like to extend an invitation to you for an on-campus interview.

On-campus interviews will begin the week of December 3rd.  Interviews will be conducted Monday thru Friday, morning and afternoon. If the interview is conducted prior to the end of January you can expect to receive a final decision before February.

Note: the admissions office will not be open during the holidays from December 21 thru January 2.

Off-campus interviews will not be scheduled until early Spring. In some instances, we will be conducting telephone interviews and alumni interviews. We will contact you directly to make these arrangements.

On December 14, the admissions office will notify applicants of this early Round if they have been denied, waitlisted or scheduled for an interview.

To schedule your interview, please reply to this e-mail with both the day and time you would prefer. I will get back to you to confirm a date with a member of the admissions committee.  Please disregard this invitation if you have already been interviewed.

I look forward to your prompt reply. 

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-5 11:24:06编辑过]
发表于 2007-12-5 14:47:00 | 只看该作者


On December 14, the admissions office will notify applicants of this early Round if they have been denied, waitlisted or scheduled for an interview. 就我们这一类既然已经通知我们面试了就应该暂时不会denied或者waitlisted了吧?应该算是第三类scheduled for an interview,就是具体时间和地点待定吧?至于finial dicision估计是要到明年2月前.

If the interview is conducted prior to the end of January you can expect to receive a final decision before February.

发表于 2007-12-6 12:01:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用simonshen在2007-12-5 14:47:00的发言:


On December 14, the admissions office will notify applicants of this early Round if they have been denied, waitlisted or scheduled for an interview. 就我们这一类既然已经通知我们面试了就应该暂时不会denied或者waitlisted了吧?应该算是第三类scheduled for an interview,就是具体时间和地点待定吧?至于finial dicision估计是要到明年2月前.

If the interview is conducted prior to the end of January you can expect to receive a final decision before February.

发表于 2007-12-6 12:56:00 | 只看该作者
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