以下是引用心静在2003-12-8 20:09:00的发言: 我的一个推荐人,前两个月换了公司,请问: 1)在推荐表格中应该写她现在的公司和职位吧? 2)需不需要特别说明一下她换了公司? 3)信封口应该用中文还是拼音的签名?
1) yes, she should list her current employer sand title 2) in the recommendation letter, she should explain how she knew you and in what context. This would be where she could explan your relationship. 3) it's probably up to her. She can sign it the way she likes, but I probably would advise my recommender to sign her name in English. Don't worry too much about small things like this. What matters most is the content of the recommendation. |