以下是引用babazi在2007-11-5 7:22:00的发言:相对于marketing,sales这种对语言要求相当高的工作,Finance是我们中国学生最容易找到工作的一行 HEC和ESCP出来的进个BNP或者SG应该都是有可能的,顶级投行的话欧洲部难度比较大,亚洲部有一定的希望 First point: What you mean by finance? As I know, only a very small proportion of Chinese graduates has got the front office offers from IBs here in Paris, and London as well. Anyway, the huge middle and back offices of IB and even retail bank can absorb quite a few grads. Adding these two, you got a considerably high total number much significant than that of management consulting for instance. But attention, it is not that easy. Second point: There are quite a big number of HEC and ESCP graduates who entered those so called BB banks' London and Paris offices. As a Chinese students from HEC or ESCP, the rational decision is fighting for Paris or London positions, since these schools have very high reputation in Europe but nearly no reputation in Asia. For example, if you apply a position in London together with a MIT guy, you have 50% percent chance to win, but in Hongkong your chance is far lower. Just for your information, in London the IBD division of BB banks consider HEC and ESCP grads the same level as grads from LBS, MIT or Harvard. Hope these can help. |