Because the earth's crust is more solid there and thus better able to transmit shock waves,an earthquake of an given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the eastern US than it does in the West. A.of an given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the eastern US than it does in the West. B,of an given magnitude will typically devaststes 100 times the area if it occurs in the eastern US instead of West. C.will typically devastates 100 times an area in the eastern US than one of comparable magnitude in the West. D. in the eastern US will typically devastates 100 times an area greater than will a quake of comparable magnitude in the West. E.that occurs in the eastern US will typically devastates 100 times more area than if it occurs with comparable magnitude in the West. 打了半天,累死了 这题选D。 但白勇语法里说了100 times more/greater than 这种表达方法是不可取的,因为可以表示为100倍或者101倍,比较合适的表达方法是100 times... as.... 所以这题看的头痛,NN来解释一下啊,我觉得这种题目也是一类的代表,希望可以搞清楚点 |