以下是引用罗马青年在2007-8-26 1:52:00的发言:刚才想了半天,自我分析如下: 我的理解:核聚变是一种…….力量,合并原子核而不是分裂它们,就像核反应堆的作用一样。 是否因为前面是完整的一句话: Nuclear fusion is the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs, 因此merging 不会就近修饰 bombs,而是修饰前面的主句主语 Nuclear fusion . nuclear reactors 是与Nuclear fusion 对比的,后面的 do 指的是 merge 这种作用,在这点上两个比较对象具有相同点,因此后面只要补出助动词即可。如不省略,全句应该是: Nuclear fusion is the force that……,merging ….., as nuclear reactors merge…. Nuclear fusion is the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs, merging the nuclei of atoms rather than splitting them apart, as nuclear reactors do. 我的理解是这样的: as nuclear reactors do. 这个do指得是power这个动作,而merging ..rather than splitting是对power这个动作的补充说明,作方式状语. 如果按照你上面的分析,do指代merge,会有两个问题,1. verb形式不对称,merge以分词形式出现;2. 如果真得指代merge, do指代仍有问题,merging...rather than splitting,指代不明 这句话分析一下结构 A (is the force that )do sth, doing1 and doing2, as B do., 主要加了一个判断句A be the force在里面使得结构不太清晰,完全可以把is the force that去掉,结构就会明显乐。 have a look at SC大全-81, 我原来问过的一题,其实和上面的结构很相似, 81.Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, similar to the way human beings breathe. (A) similar to the way human beings breathe (B) similarly to human beings who are breathing (C) just like the breathing of human beings (D) as human beings when breathing (E) just as human beings do when they breathe  Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, just as human beings do when they breathe. 这题我还争了半天,我现在同意E也不错,(我问了一个老外,开始说E对,我郁闷了两天,好不容易接受了,又来了一封信说A,E都对,晕死。。不过目前我偏向E) 因为这里的do指前面的continue(to respire)这个动作, 我当时觉得do指代respire, as human beings respire when they breathe.啰嗦,我觉得这里我们大概犯了同一个小错误,我当时的错误理解是do指代了前面的respire,但是这里respire其实是不定式形式,而这种结构中do一定是指代主谓语动词(不是其他修饰成分的动词)的,as human beings continue to respire when they breathe还是make sense得,taking in oxgen and giving off carbon dioxide是对continues to respire的补充说明。 结构重现阿,OG真是个宝。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-26 17:31:58编辑过] |