蓝皮书上有2道语法题没有弄懂,不知道是我理解的不对还是答案给错了,盼望NN们帮忙解答一下: 1. Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they assumed that if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure. A) ... B) without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure. C) their grip on Algeria was not ever secure if they did not hold it. D) without that, they could never be secure about their grip on Algeria. E) never would their grip on Algeria be secure if they did not hold it. 这几个选项简直就把我快搞蒙了,,,因为我实在看不出有什么语法错误,好象个个都是对的...我选的A,可是书上给的答案是B,请NN们帮忙指正一下,到底A错在哪了,并且,,,这其他几个有区别吗? 2) Nuclear fusion is the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs, merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactiors. A) ... C) merging the nuclei of atoms rather than splitting them apart, as nuclear reactors do. E) and merges the nuclei of atoms, unlike atomic reactors that split them apart. 我选的C,可是答案竟然给的E,可是E我怎么看都不对呀,,,请NN们指点迷津!!! 万分感谢!!~~   |