请教XDJM, Kaplan GMAT-800中的SC. Page 190, 67 State legislators fear that traffic accidents would be more frequent and severe if the speed limit was increased to 75 mph on rural highways. B) would be more frequent and severe were the speed limit to be increased up C) would be more frequent and severe were speed limit increased D) would become more frequent and severe with the speed limit increased E) would become more frequent and severe after the speed limit has increased Kaplan 给的答案是C, 但总是不明白,感觉C少了点什么,是不是应该加个if在were后面, 还是说if可以省略了?请教xdjm们。 我最开始选D. Page 214 27. Except for one class in history and one in biology, all the student's graduation requirements have been fulfilled. C) The student has fulfilled all his graduation requirements except for one class in history and one in biology. D) Except for one history class and one biology class, the student has fullfilled all of his graduation requirements. Correct answer is D, what's wrong with C? Thx a lot, dear XDJM!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-18 20:27:49编辑过] |