听了淼淼的话,感觉挺恐怖的!!!我现在就是以黄金80来做练习,难道考试还会出黄金80的范围吗???!!!以下是引用淼淼在2003-11-26 18:32:00的发言: 很遗憾, 好象黄金题里面都没有. I lacked luck. 先是aa: The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center. "After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by its menmbers. Therefore, in order to increase menbership in Take Heart, we should continue to add new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market."(og #104) 然后是ai: government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradictory.(og #91) 两个都跟健康有关哦, 健康也是个挺重要的话题. 特别是经历了非典之后...... _______________________________________________________________ ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em08.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em08.gif) 淼淼: 别拦我! 我说过要来Chasedream做贡献的......虽然可能也许......作用不大 ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em08.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em06.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em06.gif) 猛猛: 谁叫你考的差呢?! ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em06.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em02.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em02.gif) 淼淼: 考的差咋了??!! 考的差就不能说话了!?! ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em00.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em00.gif) ________________________________________________________________ [此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-26 18:35:16编辑过] ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em03.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em03.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em03.gif) |