经常会看到-ing分词修饰引起歧义,所以一看到它就觉得有歧义,可是有时候又不一定,到底什么时候会呢?比如有一题: In an attempt to guarantee the security of its innovative water purification method, the company required each employee to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting that its water purification methods be disclosed to companies using an analogous purification process.
A. prohibiting that its water purification methods be disclosed to companies B. prohibiting them from the disclosing of its water purification methods to any company C. prohibiting disclosure of its water purification methods to any company D. that would prohibit them from disclosure of its water purification methods to companies E. that would prohibit its water purification methods to be disclosed to a company 答案为C,用prohibiting不会有歧义吗? |