以下是引用ca3ltoys在2004-1-9 7:13:00的发言: I got confused with the tense here, can I understand this way? past perfect tense means the events have lasted a period of time before, and past tense means the events happened right on an exact point of time before?
OG1. a divorce that occurred when they were children...离婚是一次性,非反复发生的
OG80.an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as..强调发生的具体时间 OG102.a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911...同上,有具体时间状语
OG199,a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the west...客观描述、无具体概念 OG113.Visitors have often seen monkeys sleeping on the branches...OFTEN表示重复性,非一次发生
好像这么解释还说得过去,是8?那就要注意从句子的逻辑意思和句中的时间标志或频率副词来判断了。   |