NASA's methodical approach to the exploration of Mars has not yet answered the questions of whether biological life forms ever emerged on Mars and whether, presuming such life forms having left fossil traces to begin with, those traces can still exist in some moist recesses of the cold and arid planet.
NASA’s methodical approach to the exploration of Mars has not yet answered the questions of whether biological life forms ever emerged on Mars and whether, presuming such life forms having left fossil traces to begin with, those traces can still exist in some moist recesses of the cold and arid planet.
and whether, presuming such life forms having left fossil traces to begin with, those traces can
and whether, if it is presumed that such life forms left some fossil traces to begin with, can those traces
and whether, presuming such life forms left fossil traces to begin with, those traces
and, presuming such life forms did leave some fossil traces to begin with, if they can
and, presuming such life forms to have left fossil traces to begin with, if they
刚刚也做了这道题,然后发现这道题的争议还挺多。ABCD都有人选啊。 结合前人所言,再说说我自己的看法,presuming 的逻辑主语泛指一般人,可以认为是we 看了一下以前的帖子,有人找到此句话出处,可以从逻辑意思上推断C更符合原文所想要表述的意思。can 是不能随便省略,但是在这里说can still exist 是不是有些confusing呢,can 是强调still, 还是exist? 所以还是still exists表达更清楚准确。 另外 presume的用法为presume that clause, that canbe omitted, 或者 presume to do, 而presume sb/sth doing sth 的结构在字典中是没有的。
NY Times 的原句
Behind this methodical approach is the enduring question of whether life ever emerged on Mars and left some fossil traces, and whether it still exists in some moist recesses of this cold, arid world.
It doesn't need past perfect sense, nor does it need can. "Can" specifiies the ability to do something. Fossil traces have no life. whether they can be preserved relys on the natural environment not themselves.