The( teaching )of( literary )and composition has figured (prominently) in the formation of educational curriculums in the United States at all (levels). 我的第一反映是选项TEACHING可能错, TEACHER改TEACHER, 但我看到PROMINENTLY时,我又觉得它错了,PROMINENTLY改prominence,因为FIGURE 可能是VT.,其实到现在如果不是LITERATY 太明显错的话,我还是觉得PROMINENTLY错. 我只看了A和C选项,所以将B漏了,郁闷死了! 如果各位有兴趣的话分析一下prominently为何对吧.
The (migration route )of the first humans to occupy North America took them (across )a land bridge that once (was connected) Asia with( what) is now Alaska. 做此题时,我主要精力分析ACROSS去了,我把它做动词了,事实上是ADV.和介词,和THROUGH一样的.大家要将之与CROSS(ADJ&V.)区别,其实明眼人一看C就错了.可是我被迷惑了.痛苦!
以下是引用lanxirose在2003-11-11 5:42:00的发言: The (migration route )of the first humans to occupy North America took them (across )a land bridge that once (was connected) Asia with( what) is now Alaska. 做此题时,我主要精力分析ACROSS去了,我把它做动词了,事实上是ADV.和介词,和THROUGH一样的.大家要将之与CROSS(ADJ&V.)区别,其实明眼人一看C就错了.可是我被迷惑了.痛苦!