以下是引用Bright325在2007-2-25 22:37:00的发言:UIUC(University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) 嗯,这个学校有俩个program, MSA/MAS, 其实这俩个的reputation是一样的,招聘的时候是无差异的。MAS主要偏重于学术方面,如果你想以后读一个UIUC的PHD,申请这个,因为这一年的MAS可以waive你一年的PHD.但是MSA就是比较偏重你的职业教育。就是为industry培养人员的,出来就是去干活的。Big4, Financial Department是基本上的就业方向。还有很多人说UIUC的地理位置不好,其实我感觉是鸡蛋里面条骨头,这个学校由于名声在那边,每年都会有大公司直接去学校做招聘,如果你不幸在这批招聘中落选,你还可以开车2小时去北面的Chicago,那边的机会更多,当然对于International学生,招聘过程中个人的能力也很重要,这个回头再说吧。费用方面一共是:45k左右,因为学校在农村,living cost比较低。 Differences Between MSA & MAS Graduate ProgramsAdmission to the Master of Accountancy Science (MAS) and the Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) programs is competitive. Each program is designed to meet the needs of students with different backgrounds. The MAS program requires a US undergraduate degree in accounting as well as courses in business administration, finance, economics, and computer science to be considered for admission. Applicants must take the GMAT (minimum score 50th percentile on each of the verbal and quantitative parts and 4.0 on the analytical writing), TOEFL (minimum 600 on the paper-based or 250 on the computer-based), and the TSE (minimum score 50). MAS students take more advanced accounting courses. Qualified students may be awarded one of a limited number of assistantships that provide a tuition waiver. The MSA program requires that students have a business background. Previous coursework should include at least two principles of accounting courses, and one course in each of the following areas: statistics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, marketing, and organizational behavior. Many applicants are international students or businessmen and women who are involved in international business. This program is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of US accounting practices and concepts. An advanced option is available to non-US accountants. This program is self-supporting and no financial assistance is available. 觉的MSA还是比MAS差不少的。 |