以下是引用Justine2008在2007-2-27 16:08:00的发言: INSEAD is definitely better than Yale and Cornell. Yale is strong in law, not in business. Cornell is not top-notch in business either. INSEAD is the no. 1 business school in Europe, very prestigous. I work in executive development field (i.e. EMBA, short term EDP progrmas--programs tailored for senior execs) In our industry, we see INSEAD as equal to Kellogg, Stanford, etc. Thanks for the great info, Justine2008. I agree with your assessment 100%. The only potential problem with INSEAD is that it may not be easy to find a position at a top US school when you get your PhD. If a person's final goal is to become a professor at a top US university, isn't an Ivy League school the safer/better choice??? I am not so sure..... can anybody shed some light on this? P.S. I understand that a few INSEAD graduates are teaching at Stanford, UCLA, and other big names in the US.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 16:57:42编辑过] |