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发表于 2007-2-7 09:43:00
How can I know if law school and legal practice are for me? - An Important Question Many Students Don't Ask
- Law school is a huge investment of time and money so it is very important to know beforehand that it really is something you will be happy doing. Unfortunately, many students base their opinions of what they will do as a law student and attorney off of what they have seen on TV or read in a John Grisham novel and naturally assume that they will enjoy law school and a legal career. Do not be one of these students! If you were going to buy a $80,000 car or boat or vacation cabin, you would probably do a lot of research beforehand. Law school is no different; with the average debt being $80,000 by graduation, you must do the research before you invest! Additionally, though law school is only 3 years, legal practice is a career choice and for most becomes their profession for the rest of their lives so make sure it is something you will ultimately enjoy. By following the steps listed below, you will be equipped to comfortably make the commitment to law school and legal practice, knowing that you have done your research.
First, Ask Yourself 3 Basic Questions 1. Do I like to research, read, and write? Law school requires a lot of reading. Legal practice requires a lot of researching and writing. If you like neither, pursuing a legal education and career might not be the right choice for you. 2. Do I like to solve other people's problems? At the heart of legal practice, you are solving other people's problems.your clients. problems. Their problems can range from .how do I get a divorce?. to .what kind of a contract should I enter into with foreign suppliers?. In order to excel in legal practice, you should find satisfaction in taking the problems of other people that they cannot solve themselves and solving the problems for them. 3. Do I enjoy being presented with a new question and finding out the answer? Legal practice requires that you constantly be on your toes because each new client usually has something new or different in their particular situation that will force you to go back to the books and find a new answer or make a new argument specifically for their situation. This means that as an attorney, you are constantly intellectually challenged, which can be good because it means life doesn.t get boring, but bad because you will likely never have the kind of job where you get to sit back and do the same thing every single day.
- Second, Take a Career Fit Test
- BYU's Counseling and Career Center, located on the second floor of the Wilkinson Center, has counselors and advisors who can meet with you and help you find a career fit test that will allow you to identify your strengths, weaknesses, and natural interests.
- If you are not in the area, find a career fit test online, or visit your local library or bookstore to find one in a book.
- Third, Find Out if LAW SCHOOL is For You
- Observe a First Year Law School Class at BYU Law School During fall and winter semesters, the Prelaw Center coordinates with BYU Law School to arrange for prelaw students to be able to sit in and observe first year law school classes. If you would like to sign up, come to the Prelaw Center and ask the receptionist for the sign-up sheet. There is usually one class available every day of the week. If you are not in the area, call a law school in your area and ask if you can observe a class there.
- Register for St. Dev. 214, "Introduction to Law School" This course simulates many of the activities students will participate in during law school from briefing cases to preparing opening statements. The lectures, assignments, and exams are all geared towards allowing undergraduate students to get a glimpse of what 3 years of law school is like and allow the students to better evaluate whether law school is an environment that they will enjoy and do well in.