以下是引用jlseamm在2007-6-9 0:25:00的发言: Yes, let's take a moment to exam what you have said. I won't go through your poorly written argument in too much detail, as there are just too many grammatical and logical errors. I would first note that there are plenty of girls who act cheap, but to apply that to all women is just stupid. More importantly, the error in logic probably reflects the low LSAT that ultimately resulted or will result in your being paid less than your female Asian counterparts. It amuses me to read the contributions of a man who can't find any other reason why women are paid more than the reason you put forth. "Girls are cheap because they negotiate their morality"? Is that all girls that you're referring to, or just the ones you’re related to and associate with? Not to insult your family, I'm just assuming that you must be applying your own life experience to your ridiculous assertions; otherwise you wouldn't make such ludicrous claims. I mean, you call them critical suggestions. What are you suggesting? That all women become nuns so that men can feel better about themselves or that all women who get jobs are whores? Does your mother work?
You're right, in court I wouldn't have to say shut the fuck up. I would let you talk because the more you talked the more the jury would see how senseless and crazy you are. I wouldn't have to say a word. "In the face of a white" (I hope you mean a white person and not a great white shark or something) I wouldn't need to say anything because I don't have to prove myself to white people as you seem to feel the need to do. I would already have the job you wanted with the "whites" anyway. That being said, if any white/ black/ hispanic/ native american person were to make the crazy statement that you did, I would reply in the same way, because, UNLIKE YOU, I do not draw conclusions based on a gender or a race. Don't think that I have no respect for you because you're Asian. I have no respect for you because you're WILLFULLY IGNORANT and willing to prove it to everyone.
See the difference?
Argue only when you have something intelligent to contribute.
1. haha, people cannot argue then they first turn on "grammatical error" to refuse to listen. I am not teaching you how to use grammar, if you don't understand, don't read it. Period. 2. i m not a prof and don't have time to read ur lengthy and funny stuff with lots of big words. 3. really hate girls like this type - strong ego and low moral, maybe you are not this type but i m not that sure. 4. i DID draw a conclusion on race and gender, so what? this is court? are you going to charge me with anything? Libel? Slander? Threaten? ha~ you so funny~ 5. again, asian girls are cheap, that is common sense in here. You can deny it, avoid it but just accept it. Period. |