选E. 引自"800Bob"的话: Re: please check out this question
Seems like a "GMAT quality" question to me. It has four absolutely wrong answer choices and one answer choice with absolutely nothing wrong.
(A) is wrong because it uses "this" to refer not to a specific noun but to the whole idea expressed earlier in the sentence. (A) is also wrong because of "results in the act of stinging causing..." "Causing" is a gerund and needs to be preceded by the possessive, which would be the very ugly "the act of stinging's causing..." The only way around that would be to write something like "results in the fact that the act of stinging causes..."
(B) is wrong because it is a sentence fragment: it has no independent clause.
(C) is wrong because it illogically states that the stinger results in the fact that the act results in the bee's death.
(D) is wrong because, like (C), it says that the stinger results in the bee's death, and because, like (A), it fails to use the possessive before the gerund.
-- by 会员 raikey (2007/6/14 23:29:00)
那位nn能解释下800Bob在说明A D错误时提到的causing is a gerund and needs to be proceded by the possessive是什么意思吗? D中stinger result in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury这句话结构怎么划分呢? causing 是分词作adj修饰名词act吗? “causing前面要有所有格 A如果要对的话也要改成stinging‘s causing但这样很ugly” 可是stinging不是形容词吗? 彻底糊涂了 恳请牛牛指教