The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s. (A) extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than (B) extinction; its numbers are now five times more than (C) extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they were (D) extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had(A) (E) extinction, now with numbers five times greater than OG11对于B的解释 B The use of more instead of greater inappropriately implies there are now more numbers ,rather trhan more gyrfalcons. 下面是我看完所有的讨论贴找到的与B有关的一个解释。 以下是引用rt316在2004-9-7 0:50:00的发言:I have more apples than you have. The number of apples in the basket is greater than that in the box. 由此可见,more than是比较具体事物,而greater than用于比较number这个概念 第一个没找到答案的问题: 请问B选项OG的解释是什么意思呢,我没看懂,大概能猜出来,B说more的使用取代greater不正确的暗示现在有更多的数量,而不是更多的gyrfalcons这种鸟,这两种说法我看不出有什么不同啊,更多的数量不就是更多的小鸟吗???? 第二个不算找到答案的问题: 为什么 A 中number要加 s? 我已上来就把A派出了因为这种鸟现在的数量 只能是一个具体的数字 应该是单数阿。 怎么想也想不明白~ 望高人解惑? ??? 我找到了一个不算答案的答案,倒是看了特解气的说. 以下是引用jetrong在2004-4-13 23:30:00的发言:你发现了吗?在A,B,C,D,E的五个选中,都是numbers! 这题前面有人讨论过,结论好像是ETS是混蛋! 你找找看! 我还是想知道混蛋ETS是怎么想的呢,?????????呵呵,谁来说说这个为什么加S,因为我看了一共是9个讨论贴也没找到明确的结果.???????????????? |