A increasingly 和 more 语义重复。而且 A 最大的问题是 one "裸奔"了。A 里面 one 没有指代,这是不可容忍的错误。
B 里面 one 指代 the city air,“离城市越近的空气酸度越高”,绝对符合逻辑,更解决了 one 的指代问题,也消除了语义上的重复。
而且有原句作证。见 14 楼的贴子。
以下是引用Cafe在2006/11/21 17:49:00的发言:
In 1852, Smith published a detailed report of the chemistry of rain in the city of Manchester and noted that the city air became increasingly acidic the closer one came to town