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No. of full timers hired from BW (转贴)

发表于 2003-10-12 22:30:00 | 只看该作者

No. of full timers hired from BW (转贴)

Number of full timers and interns hired in the most recent year from B Week.  Is this perfect?  No.  Numbers should probably be adjusted for class size.  NYU is overstated because they send tons of people to Wall Street firms to do less desirable jobs like systems.  And it does not include H and S because they don't report the data.  But hopefully you can gain some insight, I think a pretty clear picture emerges:

McKinsey: Wharton - 40, Kellogg - 30, Chicago - 21, Columbia - 19, MIT - 8, Michigan - 7, Yale - 5
Bain: Wharton - 40, Kellogg - 22, MIT - 9, Columbia - 8, Chicago/Tuck - 7
BCG: Wharton - 26, Columbia/MIT/Chicago - 8, Kellogg - 7, Haas - 3
Goldman Sachs: Columbia - 48, Wharton - 44, Chicago - 25, Kellogg/NYU - 17, MIT - 16, Tuck/Yale - 12, Cornell - 8, Michigan - 6
JP Morgan: Wharton - 25, Columbia - 24, Chicago - 23, NYU - 21, Michigan - 14, Cornell/Kellogg - 12, Haas - 2
B of A Securities: Chicago/Kellogg - 13, MIT/MIchigan - 10, Columbia - 7
Citigroup: Columbia - 51, NYU - 28, Chicago - 23, Wharton/MIT - 19, Kellogg - 17, Duke - 10, Yale - 9, Darden - 8, Cornell - 7, Michigan - 6, Tuck - 4, Haas - 3
Lehman Brothers: NYU - 31, Columbia - 26, Wharton - 25, Chicago - 22, Kellogg - 19, Michigan - 13, Duke - 10, Haas - 9, Darden - 7, Yale - 6, Cornell - 5, Tuck - 2
Deutsche Bank: Columbia - 35, Chicago/NYU - 20, Wharton - 12, Kellogg/Cornell - 7, Yale - 5
Morgan Stanley: Wharton - 29, Columbia - 24, Chicago, 21, NYU - 9, Kellogg - 5, Duke/Michigan - 4, Tuck - 2
CS First Boston: Wharton - 29, Chicago/Columbia - 21, Yale - 10, NYU - 6, Darden - 3
Bear Stearns: Columbia - 23, Chicago - 17, NYU - 15, Duke - 8
UBS Warburg: Wharton - 31, Columbia - 30, Chicago - 6, NYU - 5, MIchigan - 4

Place 3 or more people at how many of the above 14 firms?

Chicago / Columbia - 14
Wharton - 12
Kellogg - 11
NYU - 10
MIchigan - 8
Yale - 7
MIT - 7
Tuck - 6
Darden - 5
Haas - 6
Cornell - 5
Duke - 5

Total number placed at the above firms:

Columbia - 366
Wharton - 360
Chicago - 265
NYU - 180
Kellogg - 170
MIT - 90
Michigan - 64
Yale - 55
Duke - 45
Cornell - 39
Darden - 37
Haas - 22

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-12 22:33:00 | 只看该作者
ranking of all the major schools by placement as a % of the classes.  (Schools ranked include Chicago, Wharton, MIT, Kellogg, Columbia, Michigan, Duke, Haas).  This is based on class of '02 full timers and class of '03 interns, the most recent available.  There are three rankings: 1. finance (including i banking and asset management) and big 3 consulting, 2. finance only, 3. big three consulting only.  This is hard data and I hope is helpful to people.  Note Harvard and Stanford do not report this info, so they are not included.  Same goes for Tuck, NYU, Yale and Cornell.  

Finance and Big 3 Consulting

1. Columbia - 35.5%, 2. Chicago - 28.4%, 3. Wharton - 25.0%, 4. Kellogg - 20.2%, 5. Sloan - 17.6%, 6. Haas - 10.4%, 7. Michigan - 8.9%, 8. Duke - 8.2%

Big 3 Consulting Only

1. Kellogg - 8.0%, 2. - Wharton - 7.0%, 3. Chicago - 4.4%, 4. Sloan - 3.9%, 5. Columbia - 3.0%, 6. Haas - 1.6%, 7. Michigan - 0.8%, 8. Duke - 0.0%.

Finance Only

1. Columbia - 32.5%, 2. Chicago - 24.0%, 3. Wharton - 18.2%, 4. Sloan - 14.8%, 5. Kellogg - 12.2%, 6. Haas - 8.8%, 7. Duke - 8.2%, 8. Michigan - 8.1%

发表于 2003-10-12 23:04:00 | 只看该作者
thank you very much, hellofanny. But please keep in mind that these data are for both american students and international students. if we break down the numbers according to their nationalities, we may get more insights.
发表于 2003-10-13 04:02:00 | 只看该作者
Thanks hellofanny! Can you tell us which year the data is?
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