fTotally agree with it.
I got a question:
e) however, infrared radiation has a wavelength of 0.1 millimeters that is too long for the eye to register, thus making it invisible.
1)I used to think those two noun make "it" vague. 但是不是有代名词优先替代原句主词的文法吗?
2)再来, 句尾的participial 用法不是常常拿来修饰主语吗?
ex. #154 In 1791 Robert Carter 3, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered his peroperty
3)又来, 这里感觉又像是修饰前面的句子...
4) 最后, 那IT到底有没有修饰上的ambiguity 呢?
谢谢指导... |