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[校友答疑] Den of Blue Devils - DUKE申请答疑帖

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发表于 2008-9-2 11:44:00 | 只看该作者

我是Pharmaceutical 行业的PM,今年就准备申请duke,对此各位前辈有什么指点吗?非常感谢.但我的GMAT不高,只有680。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-3 14:17:00 | 只看该作者

Pharma是duke的强项。每年几乎所有的Phama/Biotech公司都会来Duke宣讲及招聘。同时,你可以参考一下HSM program的介绍。HSM可以与MBA一同申请,也可以在第二年加入,毕业以后有HSM的concentration. 如果有关于HSM的详细问题,你也可以在这里提。这里也经常会有HSM的同学来。


Good luck!

发表于 2008-9-3 22:31:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-9-4 05:17:00 | 只看该作者

my background:

tier 2 university bachelor in China, major in industrial design, GPA 3.3

current job: top international logistics company, regional business development manager, 5 year experience in the industry. 3 reports.

Had start-up (student company in IT industry) for 1.5 years in college and currently running a small start-up (logistics industry).

Committee member of 2 local NGO (a professional network organization and a artistic organization, one as founder and sponsoship manager) for 2 years, volunteer of a international NGO for 5 years.

GMAT 710(V36Q49) AWA 5.5, TOEFL not taken yet

purpose for MBA: international exposure, management, strategy and leadership improvement, career change (to managing consulting), life adventure.


Can you give some comment on my information while applying Duke? Any points that I need to highlight or polish especially for Duke?

发表于 2008-9-4 06:46:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用emmaguo727在2008-9-3 22:31:00的发言:

8年工作经验的话680的GMAT也应该够了,但前提是essay能比较出彩,体现出8年工作经验的value.  不过Duke历年的essay都是短篇,500字左右的,想写好不容易。Good luck!

还有今年的面试又改成每个人都会有了,只要你online application的时候request. 去年是invitation only的。所以如果面试能做好,应该也OK的。

发表于 2008-9-6 03:12:00 | 只看该作者
For Chinese applicants to Duke, the average GMAT is around 740. 680 will definitely affect your application. So you'll need to spend more time on your essays to dinstinguish out.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-7 19:03:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用xingxing23在2008-9-4 5:17:00的发言:

my background:

tier 2 university bachelor in China, major in industrial design, GPA 3.3

current job: top international logistics company, regional business development manager, 5 year experience in the industry. 3 reports.

Had start-up (student company in IT industry) for 1.5 years in college and currently running a small start-up (logistics industry).

Committee member of 2 local NGO (a professional network organization and a artistic organization, one as founder and sponsoship manager) for 2 years, volunteer of a international NGO for 5 years.

GMAT 710(V36Q49) AWA 5.5, TOEFL not taken yet

purpose for MBA: international exposure, management, strategy and leadership improvement, career change (to managing consulting), life adventure.


Can you give some comment on my information while applying Duke? Any points that I need to highlight or polish especially for Duke?

Your background is good enough, but bschool application can never been predicted by your background. What else I could say is "good luck!"

发表于 2008-9-8 01:23:00 | 只看该作者

Important question;

Does DUKE ever admit Chinese applicants with insurance background??  

how competitive these applicants are?

and, which sector should an applicant in sales&channel department be categoried? ( finance servie,or sales & marketing?)

many thanks

发表于 2008-9-8 02:07:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ktj在2008-9-8 1:23:00的发言:

Important question;

Does DUKE ever admit Chinese applicants with insurance background??  

how competitive these applicants are?

and, which sector should an applicant in sales&channel department be categoried? ( finance servie,or sales & marketing?)

many thanks

Yes, we do have Chinese classmate with insurance background in our class.  Generally speaking, the acceptance rate of Duke MBA program is somewhere between 20-30%.  Have no specific knowledge of how insurance background would be catogerized.  But I don't see the reasonableness of such kind of way to select.  Region-focused approach makes more sense to me, compare all Chinese applicants in the same round. Rather than compare the candidates working in China and U.S insurance company, that'll be comparison between apple and orange, after all biz practices in different countries vary. 

Just my 2 cents, wish you all best on application.

发表于 2008-9-11 07:49:00 | 只看该作者
Sorry folks, I misunderstood you in previos post:  This year interview for international applicants is still invitation only. Just clarify here! Thanks for your interest towards Duke MBA.
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