以下是引用hollygrail在2007-12-15 3:51:00的发言: A:they无指代,比较的平行选B
N.Y Times 原句: Wild animals not only have less total fat than livestock fed on grain, but more of their fat is of a kind (omega-3) thought to be good for cardiac health, and less of a kind (omega-6) that promotes heart disease, said the studies, published in the March issue of The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
NY TIMES上的原句和本题相似度不高.已经被大幅度改写了.原句套在not only..but (also)内的----->顺便说一下,用GMAT标准来看,原句的 not only but also 也不平行. 原题选项: B. wild animals have less total fat than livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be C. wild animals have less total fat than that of livestock fed on grain and have more fat of a kind thought to be
C确实比B清楚,B有两处黄色词组相比的嫌疑(别告诉我说"按照句意不会歧义",SC很多比较题目,按照逻辑,按照句意都不会歧义.比如 i eat apple faster than you,这句也不会歧义,谁不知道句子是在说eat apple啊,谁也不会误会I 在吃you,问题是,现在几个选项摆在这里,有补出的,也有没补出的,ETS摆明就是要烤你补出动词避免歧义了,如果还是坚持"按照逻辑不会歧义"那就不好玩了) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1此外B还有个问题是(这一条算是故意抬杠把) B. wild animals have less total fat than livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be
句子中2处蓝色的词组也容易通过and平行,产生歧义. 共同被than比较. 好比在说: I have more apples than you and XXX. 当然. 如果按照上面方式理解,原句意思是荒谬的.但是语法上来说也算是罪证把
反观C, and后又补出have,够体贴了把?
楼上还有个朋友把B又读出一种意思,3种歧义了: 以下是引用easy4meeeeee在2007-12-21 0:02:00的发言: B还有另外一个歧义是与原句想悖的:fed on grain and more of a kind of fat ,grain 和more of a kind平行,逻辑意思也能理解为----以谷物和脂肪为食的牲口 原句没有使用这个bug,而是用了“, but more of their fat is of a kind...” fed on grain and more of a kind of fat ,grain 和more of a kind平行,逻辑意思也能理解为----以谷物和脂肪为食的牲口 原句没有使用这个bug,而是用了“, but more of their fat is of a kind...” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-6 6:05:13编辑过] |