test 1
114In the physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion, nether or not they are heard by the human ear.
why not choose "motion"? i think "motions" should be preferable.
116 The layers of an elephant's tusk are deposited from the pulp, yet that the innermost layer is the newest.
"yet" is wrong. but how to correct it? who can tell me if the function of "yet" is the same to "and"?
123 flash photography is widely used for taking pictures when the natural light is insufficient, such as outdoors at night and indoors most of time.
"of time" is wrong. but why should we add a "the" to it? what's the difference between with "the" and without "the"?
test 2
75 the Andromeda galaxy, like the Milky Way, is orbited by several companion galaxies but contains about as twice many stars.
how to correct "as twice"? is it right to add an "as" to it? but if so, the meaning of "as twice as many stars" seems so strange.
78 found in wild woods and stony places, the canterbury bell never flowering until the second (and final) summer of its life.
"flowering" should be "flowers" or "flower"? maybe becasue "bell" is singular, it should be right to use "flowers"? but it is behind "never". i really do not know which is correct.
107 chordophones are musical instruments with strings that can be set in motion by moving a bow, plucking a string, or striking key.
the answer is D. but i think "motion" is wrong. why not "motions"? i remember "in + plural".am i right?
thank you so much// bow
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