The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an "artificial face."
88. The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an "artificial face." (A) so unrealistic as to constitute (B) so unrealistic they constituted (C) so unrealistic that they have constituted (D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute (E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute 记得以前的一个讨论中,braveMBA指出so as to后面所跟的一定是系表结构,但这个例子就不是。另外,OG的对b解释更是匪夷所思: Also, B would be better if that were inserted after so unrealistic, although the omission of that is not ungrammatical. 也就是说ets认为SO THAT中省略THAT也行??
这个问题高级呀! 我查了《英汉大词典》(陆谷孙),关于so… that是这么解释的: so… (that) At night it was so cold (that) I couldn’t sleep at all. 请注意THAT两边的括号。 只不过,一般的情况下我们都习惯于将THAT补出,以至于我们都没有觉察到这个THAT原来可以省略! 在数十万字的阅读中,我确实没有发现有THAT被省略的情况。
DANDAN,你可能记错了,我没有说过so as to后面所跟的一定是系表结构。我查了一下帖子,请看: 我再强调一遍,so ... as to(不是so as to,如果有SC反例,请举出,以免悟道他人)使用在简单主谓结构中。so that的那个that就是可以省略,但是在GMAT中没有见过。 还是有一个观点,GMAT中的一些规则比较特殊,或者说比较ETS,我们要以平常心对待,因为是在考人家的GMAT,其他的语法解释并不是任何时候都适用的。