To viceversa, only listening and reading part of ETS free on-line test can provide percentage of your correctness. So you have to prepare a earphone for the listen section. For the writing and speaking section, free on-line test can not provide any report to access your ability.
But ETS provides the service for analysing your response which could be took in a seperate part and you must pay for this service.
(2).Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL(R) Test : Next Generation (iBT) with CD-ROM and Answer Key Longman出的IBT指导教材,使用过的朋友们对此教材评价很好,难度上略低于IBT考试,重点推荐,大陆地区已经由新东方引进,中文名称是《新托福考试综合教程》.