Babson is a good school which can be ranked in top30 in US.
And the following links to Babson maybe give more information
1.未找到工作的占1/4,其中:一半的人自己创业 ; 35%的人推迟自己的就业,8%的人继续读数
4.在top15的雇主里,大公司的身影还是蛮多的,IBM,MG,EMC ,GE......
总体感觉BABSON 是一所非常不错的学校,值得尝试,但是找工作永远都是个案,对于你来说要么找的到要么找不到,100%或者0%。
我们不能说A学校的就业率是98%那么我毕业后就一定能找得到自己满意的称心的工作,所以B学校只有68%的就业率我们就放弃它吧,sometime it works ,sometimes dosen't
It all depends on what you want to do and where you want to do it.
I caution you not to put too much stock into Babson's top 30 ranking in Businessweek or Babson's #1 rank for Entrepreneurship in US News. They're a decent regional school at best (competition is tough in MA with HBS and MIT right around the corner) and don't have a real national reputation or brand name. Their undergrad business program is excellent but it doesn't necessarily translate to their MBA program 但由于Lz的帖子是讨论进了Babson以后的工作问题,这个我已经分析过了。但对于Babson是否deserve top 30则是另外一回事了。所以单从工作上来否定Babson是牵强的,但是的确是有风险的
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-3 16:23:30编辑过] |