以下是引用roselee0817在2006-3-24 22:58:00的发言:对于楼主提出的第一个问题和第二个问题我觉得两个之间还是有一点不同,不知道对不对。 第一题中 LACE>MinnesotaLACE> 是state 和this predator并无直接的指代关系,也就是说不知道this 指的是什么,this 并不能指Minnesota;而第二题中 The gyrfalcon,后面的it's number,it's就是指the gyrfalcon's.所以可以用。 不知道我表达清楚没有,大概就是这个意思。
强烈感谢roselee0817 mm 的解释,让我恍然大悟!
225. LACE>MinnesotaLACE> is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that still has a sizable wolf population, and where this predator remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep.>>
(A) that still has a sizable wolf population, and where>>
(B) that still has a sizable wolf population, where>>
(C) that still has a sizable population of wolves, and where
(D) where the population of wolves is still sizable;(E)
(E) where there is still a sizable population of wolves and where
1 先看题干,是两个定于从句,也就是说后面的两个小句子(从句)在正确选项中也应该与Minnesota 是从属关系的。这是大前提。
2 在D中,分号后的句子是 this predator remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep,这样他就与前面这句话形成了并列关系,而不是从属关系,改变了原句的结构 所以og说:
Choice D is grammatically constructed, but it lacks a conjunction that establishes a logical relation between the clauses; since Minnesota as a grammatical subject is separated from the clause following the semicolon, the statement there need not even pertain to Minnesota.
再次感谢!:) |