Background Info:
GMAT 760, TOEFL : 640
Work experience: 于新东方教授GMAT,GRE and TOEFL 2005.9 to 2006.3, some other internships
Admitted with scholarship from ESSEC
Waiting for news about University of Michigan's, NYU's and Purdue's PhD program (Field of Interest: Operations Management)
Infor on the application for UC Irvine:
Applied for UC Irvine ( I received an email signed by the dean of the school in which I was notified that that based on my exceptional GMAT score, the awards committee had prescreened me for consideration for a Merage Fellowship, pending my successful application to the full-time MBA program by February 1, 2006) in Jan 2006 and received an invitation for interview in the early Feb. Interviewed in March 1st and rejected today.
The interview was very good, at least in my eyes.
The email received today:
Thank you for your interest in the The Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine). Your application for admission has been given serious consideration by the Admissions Committee. While your application contained many favorable elements, regretfully, we are not able to offer you admission to UC Irvine at this time.
In view of the large number of well-qualified applicants and the limited number of spaces available, it is not possible to accept all students who apply or might succeed in the program. The selection process is one of identifying those best qualified for a specific graduate program, based on thorough review of each applicant's file. The Admissions Committee carefully considered your academic preparation, work experience, letters of recommendation, self-evaluation essays, and other supporting materials.
Although we are unable to act favorably on your application at this time, we encourage you to reapply for admission in the future after you have more work experience.
If you would like feedback on your application, please send your request by post mail to the following address: Admissions Committee, The Paul Merage School of Business, GSM 220, Irvine, CA 92697-3125.  lease note that the admissions office will not respond to feedback requests received by e-mail or by telephone.
Thank you for your time and interest in pursuing graduate study at UC Irvine. Best wishes in your future educational endeavors.
Gary Lindblad Assistant Dean and Director, MBA Program The Paul Merage School of Business
因此我个人认为是work experience不足的缘故,发此文希望能够对那些和我类似的缺乏工作经验的申请者有所帮助。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-18 13:29:34编辑过] |