以下是引用givemeahome在2003-9-24 1:44:00的发言: 29. 1) the discovery of one feet and four teeth in nk, representing four species of animals like cats, indicates that the animal survives … 2) the discovery of one feet and four teeth in nk, which represents four species of animals like cats, indicates that the animal survives … 3) the discovery in nk of one feet and four teeth, representing four species of animals like cats, indicates that the animal survives …
representing 修饰one feet and four teeth 说不通, 这句话说的式,发现NK这个动物有one feet and four teeth, NK represents,(这个NK象猫科里的四种,)这显示这个动物存活于。。。 故3不对
My answer 2)
nk更合理地理解为NK--地名。否则in是有问题的。 |