以下是引用dwhite在2006-3-15 13:34:00的发言:恭喜treadapath,你是不是申请的2月10号的那轮,能否分享一下背景,我也申请了GT,正在焦急等待中,谢谢。
Thank you dwhite!
Yeah, the same round but the offer just arrives. Probably your offer is on the way, it may be on a rolling base and it seems that few people have applied for Gtown so there is hope. Wish you the best of luck!
Below is a copy of my previous post:
"Decent undergraduate school, G/T score, company brand, management background, so so GPA distinctive personal attributes, unusual life path choice kidding
Actually, i simply weave each step I took and my commitment to the values I endeavor to live by into my clear personal and professional goals. Every individual has unique shinning point, right?" |