Thank you for applying to our PhD program. This is to let you know that you made it onto our "wait list". We have made three offers at this point and are now waiting for the outcome of this process before we can make additional offers. I expect that we will hear final decisions from the admitted students later in March. Of course, I will keep you posted as soon as I learn any further information.
It might be a good idea for us to talk on the phone so I can explain to you what may happen over the coming weeks and what the chances are that we end up making you an offer.  lease let me know what number I can reach you at and what would be a good time (I understand you are currently residing in LACE w:st="on">ChicagoLACE>?). I look forward to talking to you.>> >牛人赶紧据offer吧!>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-1 8:44:50编辑过] |