周三中午收到email, 说得很客气: "I am interested in arranging a brief telephone visit prior to proceeding with a formal invitation to join our program in the Fall of 2006." 弄得我就以为走走过场.再说就十分钟的谈话, 还能谈什么深刻问题? 我也就准备了几句客套话,还有天气,个人爱好等聊天的话题.
因为我周四才回信,就给了周五下午和周六早上两个时间段. 结果周五白等了一个下午,周六早上正在睡觉的时候,电话来了.
prof."is this XXX? I am professorXXX"
me: How are you, professorXXX?(真是发自内心的亲热,毕竟白等了一个下午),can you give me five minutes?(我总得漱个口,洗个脸,清醒一下吧?)
prof.(楞了一下,估计没遇到这样的)"I can call you after thirty minutes, is that ok?"(真是体贴呀)
赶快洗脸漱口, 把准备好的稿子拿出来,严阵以待. 三十分钟后,电话准时响起
prof.: so are you available now?
me: thanks for waiting.
prof: I just want to make a short talk. Now tell me why our school?
me: (暗暗叫苦,怎么问这么老套的问题?偏偏我没准备)I,...en,...(傻笑)I am a little exicted and nervous(这句话一定要背哦)...(突然想起我的essay)Two professors I respect the most earned their PhD at your school...bababa,(改了N遍的PS, 说得倒也流利,就是不知道他听懂没有)
prof: why PhD?
me: I think IT can help people much more (Prof: I agree)...I want to contribute to its development...
prof: do you have any question about our program?
me想不起来了):No, I have found everything I need in your web site...
prof: do you apply for other programs? do you hear from them? Will you accept it if we provide you the offer?
me: yes, I am also applying for the PhD program at xxx,xxx,xxx,universities. I haven't heard from them because they have a later deadline. I will accept your offer(心里在想总不能说我得考虑考虑吧?)
prof: ok, we make this talk very fast. Monday prof. XXX, our chairman, will call you to check something...(晕倒,还要面试?)
me这时把问题想起来了) can I ask the possibility that I can get in your program?
prof笑,非常nice)yeah, there are two finalists and five candidates, so you have 45% chance(不知道怎么算出来的)
me: thanks for your calling. It's really nice talking to you
Prof.: bye