以下是引用liangb在2003-9-17 9:21:00的发言:
1.是不是应根据各校的优势而投其所好选方向, 而有更大录用机会?
In some circumstances, it is the case; but, since top b-schools usually have more than one strength, one should work hard to make one's stories interesting to stand out the pool.
2.哪个方向好找工作,又有钱途, If everyone knows the secret, the best concentration will lost its glory in a single year. Just kidding. It is hard to say which career path is better in current economy. Some say logistic students can land jobs at easy; but it also varies with one's pre-MBA work background, the school's location, etc. Rumors have it that IB and MC are still slicing staff out. Hopefully, the whole situation is getting better. Good luck.