112. Domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road. (A) into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road (B) into research for developing even more gasoline-efficient cars on the road than at present (C) for research for cars to be developed that are more gasoline-efficient even than presently the road (D) in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road (E) in research for developing cars that are even more gasoline-efficient than presently on the road
In A, the phrase more gasoline-efficient ... than presently on the road does not identify the second term of the comparison.
C and E again fail to indicate the second term of the comparison.
In B, the misuse of modifying phrases produces an ambiguous and awkward statement: even more gasoline-efficient cars could refer either to more cars that are efficient or to cars that are more efficient.
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