Hi, thanks for all your precious sharing. If the degree gained by this program is identical to that of HKUST FT/PT program taught in HK, I cannot see why and how it would be denied by the government. On the other hand, for the program itself, even though most of us consider the value of a 1-tier MBA program comes from lots of aspects, we’ll have more confidence if it could demonstrate us its power, influence, and reputation, etc by the admission of the government. Or, maybe the education department does not admit any program offered solely by a ‘foreign’ university but taught in China?
I am scheduled for the interview on next Tuesday, Jan 23rd, from 2:20~2:40. Anybody interested in the mock during the weekend, please contact me through alowree(A) hotmail.com or 138 2357 0630.
The tentative plan is as following:
Time: Sat or Sun 9:00a.m. Venue: TBD(some place in Fu tian area) Basically we will spend three hours together sharing information and doing mocks.
hi, guys, just interviewed by Chris Tsang and Grace Liang last Saturday, I feel I performed not bad, but have not yet submitted my GMAT because i will only take GMAT 8th Feb., Any alumni or current student can tell me if UST SZ will make a conditional offer in the absence of GMAT result??
Hello cey23213, that's quite reasonable to me. MBA admission is long time process and most student will not have their GMAT result till the last mins. Rememeber I had the similar situation when I apply SZUST two year ago. I did the interview before I did the GMAT test and I got the (provisional) offer before I got my GMAT result. Student even asked to pay the deposit once receive the offer letter. You'd get full refund if your GMAT result fail you. Anyway be patient. GMAT is a must, you won't get rid of it. Feel free to call the office or email Chris/Grace sometime and sure they're welling to help.