(代友发文: This is from Ms. Junyan Hu, the alumna of Cox School of Business - Southern Methodist University
To MBA applicants who are interested in applying SMU-COX,
I still have some application fee waiver slips left from Shanghai MBA tour. If anyone wants to save $75 application fee, pls let me know.
Since I am crazily busy these days with a new project. I won't have too much time to write every envelop to send those slips out. So, pls send me a letter with stamped empty envelope addressed to yourself. I would love to put the waiver in and ask the hotel attendants to mail them out. (I am currently in a Guangzhou hotel.)
Here is my mailing address:
中国广州经济开发区夏港大道721号 明珠大酒店1711房间 邮编:510730 Yaner Junyan Hu 胡俊燕 E-mail: hujunyan@cn.ibm.com Strategic Change Solutions, IBM Business Consulting Service 咨询服务公司
PS:因为只剩下12个Waiver slip,请有意申请的CDer跟贴留个名号,满12个人以后其他申请人就不要再发空信封给她了。Thanks!
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-28 18:09:48编辑过] |