i mean too old to change career. of course if you have strong investment background, you can find a better job than average MiF. But if you are an accountant or relationship manager and want to be associate in investment bank, it should be difficult
it all depends on personal situation - i mean experience and personality. Generally the younger people with strong finance background can find fairly good jobs. More experienced people can find good jobs related to their experience.
Good depends on personal situation. Some people like IB, but the others may never think of IB. Some prefer challenging jobs that request overnight work every day, and the others may prefer stable jobs with enough time to spend with family/friends. All depends on what you want to do and whether your background and skills can match with your goal. However, if you are young (say 3-5 years experience), people tend to think you can learn faster and work harder than those with longer experience though none of you have directly related experience for the job.
For MiF, since it's only 10 months without internship, career change for people with long experience (e.g. 7+ years) can be difficult even though job market is good.
Thanks kevin, do you mind settng up a more personal channel to communicate? is it possible to talk in person, I am accessible to IDD for free. My email: michiemeng(A) hotmail.com or michiemeng{a} sina.com.cn