1。Excercise 23-7
Cooperative apartment houses have the peculiar distinction of being dwellings that must also operate as business.
b. of dwellings that must also operate like business
c.that they are dwellings that must operate like business
d.that, as dwellings, they must also opeate like business
2。Excercise 23-18
Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking memebers by supporting the imposition of an alien tax on immigrant workers, after 1897 the United Mine Workers made a deterimed effort to enlist Italians and Slavs in its ranks.
b, Where once the union acquiesced to its English-speaking members' prejudice for the support of
c. While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in support of
d. While once the union acquiesced to its English-speaking members' prejudice in supporting
e. While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in its supporting of
3,Section 19-17
Many of them chiseles from solid rock centuries ago, the moutainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.
b.chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous region of northern Ethopia are dotted with many hundreds of monasteries
e, The mountainous regions of nothern Ethiopia are dotted with hundres of monasteries, many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.
Answer: E
4. Section 16-3
For all his professed disdain of such activities, Auden was an inveterate literary gossip.
b. having always professed disdain for such activities
Answer:A(What 's the meaning of this sentence?)