Your background is pretty strong. Your GMAT score is, however, a shame. My suggestion is for you to write the test again to ensure you a top 10 school. If you really want to have a try without the renewed score, you had better to cook your essays very well and to conduct the on-campus interviews of your target schools. Good luck.
以下是引用josh_han在2003-9-5 14:56:00的发言: GMAT 考得不理想 (660), 但我不打算再考了. 我本科毕业于国内某TOP大学,GPA 3.5. 然后在加拿大某TOP大学获得计算机硕士. 毕业后, 先后在 美国 IBM 和 INTEL 从事CPU核心技术方面的研发, 至今已有7年, 但未担任过经理. 学生时代, 曾担任过学生会干部. 现在, 在校友会任职, 积极参加社区活动. 目前, 已获得美国绿卡. 今年打算申请3所美国TOP 15. 您认为我有戏吗?