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英国曼彻斯特商学院全职 MBA 项目一对一 Coffee Chat - 北京(4/8) 上海(4/10)

发表于 2023-3-25 10:22:43 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Programme introduction

Created in 1824, the University of Manchester is one of the leading research institutions in the world, with 25 Nobel laureates among its students and staff. The University of Manchester is one of the six red brick universities in the UK and a member of the Russel Group. The University of Manchester is located in Manchester, the third largest city in England, and is the largest single-site university in the UK. In the 2023 QS World University Rankings, the University of Manchester is ranked 28 (6th in the UK).

Alliance Manchester Business School is part of the prestigious University of Manchester and one of the first two schools to open in the UK back in 1965. The Manchester MBA is ranked as one of the Top 5 in the UK, Top 15 in Europe and Top 50 in the World by the Financial Times MBA Rankings 2023. The Full-time MBA can be completed in 15 or 18 months and is regarded as one of the most practical MBAs in the world with three live consultancy projects and the opportunity to undertake an internship, meaning you graduate with four new companies on your CV.

Manchester Full-time MBA (18/15 months, September intake)

  • 900 hours of live consultancy projects (more time than any other MBA)
  • Truly global: 30 nationalities, international projects, and 5 global centres
  • Customise your MBA: internship, study tours, and global electives
  • Scholarships ranging from 10-50%
  • Average age of students: 30
  • Triple Accredited: (AMBA,AACSB, EQUIS)

Brief Info of the speaker

Nan Liang (梁楠)
Senior Marketing and Recruitment Officer, MBA and Global programmes, Alliance Manchester Business School
Wechat: NanLiang_AMBS

英国曼彻斯特商学院全职 MBA 项目一对一 Coffee Chat - 北京(4/8)

日期:2023 年 4 月 8 日(周六)
时间:14:00 - 18:00(北京时间)
地点:Hilton Beijing, 东三环北路东方路1号


英国曼彻斯特商学院全职 MBA 项目一对一 Coffee Chat - 上海(4/10)

日期:2023 年 4 月 10 日(周一)
时间:14:00 - 18:00(北京时间)




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