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[申请总结] 【R1 已录】HKUST-Yale M2M 申请全流程经验分享 (Timeline &申请要求&面经&文书)

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发表于 2023-1-15 22:48:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
●  HKUST - Yale M2M  同时经过港科和耶鲁两个学校申请,面试和录取,经过五轮筛选&三轮面试 终于上岸啦
●  按照轮次总结了我的申请经验 供参考(Timeline & 文书 & 面经 & Tips)

●  Timeline
●  10.16 HKUST & Yale round 1: 提交申请
●  10.28 Yale round 2 : 通过初筛 , 收到视频面试邀请
●  11.2  Yaleround 2:  提交视频面试 & yale文书
●  11.9 HKUST round 2: 面试邀请
●  11.21 HKUST round 2 面试 & Yaleround 3 面试邀请
●  11. 29 Yale round 3: 面试
●  12.7 Yale offer

●  HKUST  Round 1
●  要求:(见官网)
●  语言: 掌握/学习三门语言
●  Referenceletter(professional/ academic) * 2

     Yale Round 1
●  提交HKUST 申请可以选择 Yale double degree option, 提交补充表格
●  申请要求:(见官网)
●  课程范围: 学过 Finance, Accounting, GlobalMacroeconomics, Marketing, Statistics
●  professional reference * 1
●  实习时长 : > 12 weeks

●  Yale Round 2
●  (1)面试邀请
●  通过 yale Round 1 初筛收到 yale Round 2 邀请,要求提交文书+Kira 录制视频

●  (2)文书问题:
Why is the GBS program theright program for you? You have already attended a Master's program at a topbusiness school, what would the GBS program add to your current preparation foryour future? (300 words maximum)
Please describe your post-GBS short-term and long-term career goals.(250 words maximum)
Describe a challenge we arefacing in the world today. How can the business community help fix thischallenge? Be specific. (300 words maximum)

●  tips: 从要邀请到DDL 只有三天时间,建议提前准备好 (因为没有做好准备,极限写essay ...)

●  (3)视频面试: 提交文书后会发来视频面试链接,要求在ddl前提交
Introduce to us in 1 min, what makes you unique, why are you a good applicants for Yale GBS?  (30 s pre, 1.30 ans
What do you think is the best way to solve the conflict between colleague, workers, classmates in a  project ?  (30s pre, 1.30 ans)
Some people think that it ethical accountability is the most important characteristic for the leader, do you agree or disagree? (20s pre , 1 min ans)
  • 复盘:
    • 语速放慢
    • 看镜头 + 保持笑容
    • 自我介绍可以反复训练,其他题目看重临场发挥

●  HKUST Round 2
●  (1)面试邀请
●  通过HKUST Round 1 初筛收到 Round 2 面试邀请

●  (2)面试
●  面试时间:11.21 HK 3:45pm, uk 7:45am (我的面试提前30min 开始)
●  面试时长: 15 min
●  面经:
●  The most important reason for you to apply MIMT
●  Career Goal
●  Why choose MIMT over Finance ?
●  Which area to exchange ?
●  Do you like to be a team player or team leader ?
●  Give me an example of leading a team ?
●  Challenge you face in your study or internship ?
●  Q&A
●  Tips:常规问题,提前规划一下 exchange country

●  Yale Round 3
●  (1)面试邀请
●  通过 yale Round 2 收到 Yale 最终轮面试邀请, 确定面试时间
●  Tips: 尽早确认时间,我选择的时候只有两个slot 可以选择了

●  (2)面试
●  面试时长 : 30min
●  面试时间:11.29 est 7pm  uk 凌晨12点
●  面经:
●  How do you know about Yale and what makes youinterest in this program
●  why Yale GBS, how it will help you achieve yourcareer goal
●  your concrete plan for your career ?
●  Walk me through your internship
●  why your university of graduate study
●  针对两段 leadership experience 深挖
●  why summer school
●  Your plan for your time at yale ?
●  anything unique you can bring to your classroom
●  what else do you want let us to know outside of your CV
●  what do you think is the important character forbusiness leader
●  something want to change about your study ?
●  Any questions
●  Tips:
●  强调 yale mission - the leader forthe business and society, 突出完整的 storyline

以及可以约商科咨询/文书/ mock interview ! Wechat: XinYi15962757912   redbook: @Charis

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发表于 2023-1-16 15:46:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-16 00:35:28 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
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