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发表于 2023-1-10 23:07:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用Manhattan Prep SC的语法真题结合曼哈顿论坛的精华讨论帖,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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1.(1)Given its authoritative coverage of other science topics, the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisingly tentative, which leads one to doubt the author's scholarship in that particular area.

(A) the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisingly tentative, which leads
(B) the chapter of the textbook on genetics is surprisingly tentative, leading
(C) the textbook contains a surprising and tentative chapter on genetics, which leads
(D) the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisingly tentative and leads
(E) the textbook is surprisingly tentative in its chapter on genetics, leading

2.(2)Human beings are not well adapted to change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

A) Human beings are not well adapted to change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

B) Human beings are not well adapted for change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

C) Human beings are not well adapted for change,which creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

D) Human beings are not well adapted to change and that created many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

E) Human beings are not adapted for change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

3.(3)According to a recent study, hand sanitizers require a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration for the killing of most harmful bacteria and viruses.

(A) require a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration for the killing of
(B) require that there be a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration to kill
(C) require that a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration be present to kill
(D) require a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration to kill
(E) require that there be a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration for the killing of

4.(4)One study found that although government policy and the industrial sector in which a company operates can influence its productivity and financial strength, management decisions have at least as great an impact on a company’s performance.

(A) management decisions have at least as great an impact
(B) decisions by management have a great impact
(C) manager decisions impact greatly
(D) decisions by a company’s management impact greatly
(E) what a company’s management decides has a greater impact

5.(5)Created in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale where the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after he died in 1744 the scale was reversed to its present form.

(A) in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale where the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after he died in 1744 the scale was reversed to its present form.

(B) in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale in which the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after his death in 1744 the scale was reversed to its present form.

(C) in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale in which the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after he died in 1744 the scale had reversed to its present form.

(D) by Anders Celsius in 1731, his original thermometer had a scale in which the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; reversing the scale to its present form after his death in 1744.

(E) by Anders Celsius in 1731, his original thermometer had a scale where the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after his death in 1744 the scale reversed to its present form.

6.(6)The United States Navy announced that, beginning next year, they plan to close several of their bases in order to reduce operating expenses.

A. they plan to close several of their bases
B. they are planning to close several of their bases
C. it plans to close several of its bases
D. they plan several closures of their bases
E. it plans to close several of their bases

7.(7)Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere grew by enough of an increased percentage during the twentieth century that it began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, and it caused the average surface temperature to rise.

A) Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere grew by enough of an increased percentage during the twentieth century that it began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, and it caused the average surface temperature to rise.

B) Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere increased by enough of a percentage during the twentieth century that they began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.

C) Levels of atmospheric carbon monoxide increased sufficiently during the twentieth century to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.

D) Atmospheric carbon monoxide levels increased by a sufficient percentage during the twentieth century to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth, which caused the average surface temperature to rise.

E) Levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere during the twentieth century increased enough to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.

8.(8)Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, was injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.

(A) Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, was injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.

(B) Despite the fact that the lead attorney and his assistant entered the courthouse with police escort, they were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded the attorney with questions and injured him so seriously that he needed immediate medical attention.

(C) Despite their entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, injuring him so seriously as to warrant immediate medical attention.

(D) Despite the fact that they entered the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, having been manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters, was bombarded with questions and injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.

(E) Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions and injured him so seriously as to warrant immediate medical attention.

9.(9)Though research remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.

(A) Though research remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.

(B) Though research remains to be done into what triggered the Civil War, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.

(C) Though the reasons that triggered the Civil War remain to be researched, slavery is not regarded by scholars to be the sole cause.

(D) Despite research remaining into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.

(E) Scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause of the Civil War, though the reasons for it being triggered remain to be researched.

10.(10)Because of differences in the humans body's internal pressure and the ocean's, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascends slowly or they will suffer a painful condition known as the "bends."

A. differences in the human body's internal pressure and the ocean's, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascends slowly or they

B. the difference between the human body's internal pressure and the ocean's, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascend slowly or they

C. the difference in the human body's internal pressure and that of the ocean, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascends slowly or he

D. differences in the human body's internal pressure and that of the ocean, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascend slowly or they

E. the difference between the internal pressure of the human body and that of the ocean, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascend slowly or he
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发表于 2023-1-11 09:30:35 | 只看该作者
1.(1)Given its authoritative coverage of otherscience topics, the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisinglytentative, which leads one to doubt the author's scholarship inthat particular area.

(A) the textbook's chapter on genetics issurprisingly tentative, which leads
(B) the chapter of the textbook on genetics is surprisinglytentative, leading
(C) the textbook contains a surprising andtentative chapter on genetics, which leads
(D) the textbook's chapter on genetics issurprisingly tentative and leads
(E) the textbook is surprisingly tentative in its chapter ongenetics, leading

这里说的是包含了其他科学主题,所以主语应该是textbook,注意他用的词是its coverage of other topicsB中却说了chapteron genetics所以肯定不是chapter,要用textbook

4.(4)One study found that although governmentpolicy and the industrial sector in which a company operates can influence itsproductivity and financial strength, managementdecisions have at least as great an impact on a company’s performance.

(A) management decisions have at least as great an impact
(B) decisions by management have a great impact
(C) manager decisions impact greatly
(D) decisions by a company’s management impactgreatly
(E) what a company’s management decides has a greater impact

The idiom in this sentence isnot "as X an"; in fact, the idiom is still "as X as". Inessence, the sentence is indicating that management decisions have at least asgreat an impact on a company’s performance as government policy and theindustrial sector in which a company operates do; however, the wording of thesentence masked this proper idiomatic construction.
Basically, when we use "as____ as," the first "as" introduces the adjective that is thebasic for the comparison. For example: "as great," "aspopular," "as majestic," etc. The second "as," meanwhile,makes the connection from the first to the second noun. For example:"Vanilla is as popular as chocolate." Now, notice that if we havealready described the popularity of chocolate, we do not need to say "aschocolate" again to make the comparison make sense. Instead, we can justsay: "vanilla is as popular." This is because we need to show thatvanilla is (whatever the adjective is), but we do not need to repeat the samefor the other noun, which has already been described.

7.(7)Carbonmonoxide levels in the atmosphere grew by enough of an increased percentageduring the twentieth century that it began to trap heat radiating from theEarth, and it caused the average surface temperature to rise.

A) Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere grewby enough of an increased percentage during the twentieth century that it beganto trap heat radiating from the Earth, and it caused the average surfacetemperature to rise.

B) Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphereincreased by enough of a percentage during the twentieth century that theybegan to trap heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surfacetemperature to rise.

C) Levels of atmospheric carbon monoxide increased sufficientlyduring the twentieth century to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth,causing the average surface temperature to rise.

D) Atmospheric carbon monoxide levels increased bya sufficient percentage during the twentieth century to begin trapping heatradiating from the Earth, which caused the average surface temperature to rise.

E) Levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere during thetwentieth century increased enough to begin trapping heat radiating from theEarth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.

Eduring the twentieth century位置改变了,意思也就改变了,C里说的是在20世纪增高了,但E说的是20实际的一氧化碳等级,但是这个sufficiently我也很难get到点,就好像CO故意升到这么高。但整个这个题我无法理解,levels of CO,一氧化碳等级怎么能trapping heat?不应该是COtrap吗?整个题我觉得有问题,回答就变得特别困难。。。。因为在我眼里没有一个是对的。。。。就选不出来

9.(9)Thoughresearch remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered,scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.

(A) Though research remains to be done into thereasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to bethe sole cause.

(B) Though research remains to be done into what triggeredthe Civil War, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.

(C) Though the reasons that triggered the Civil War remain tobe researched, slavery is not regarded by scholars to be the sole cause.

(D) Despite research remaining into the reasonswhy the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery as the solecause.

(E) Scholars do not regard slavery as the solecause of the Civil War, though the reasons for it being triggered remain to beresearched.

这题主要考regard x as y,但是我排除B的时候是因为research into,但其实没问题,research into是研究很具体的问题用的,research on是更general的话题。

发表于 2023-1-11 11:21:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-11 11:48:13 | 只看该作者
1.(1)Given its authoritative coverage of other science topics, the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisingly tentative, which leads one to doubt the author's scholarship in that particular area.

(A) the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisingly tentative, which leads
(B) the chapter of the textbook on genetics is surprisingly tentative, leading
(C) the textbook contains a surprising and tentative chapter on genetics, which leads
(D) the textbook's chapter on genetics is surprisingly tentative and leads
(E) the textbook is surprisingly tentative in its chapter on genetics, leadingcoverage应该指书

2.(2)Human beings are not well adapted to change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

A) Human beings are not well adapted to change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.
adapted to排除BCE,时态一致选A
B) Human beings are not well adapted for change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.
C) Human beings are not well adapted for change,which creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.
D) Human beings are not well adapted to change and that created many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.
E) Human beings are not adapted for change and that creates many problems in the workplace because change has become the only real constant in companies today.

3.(3)According to a recent study, hand sanitizers require a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration for the killing of most harmful bacteria and viruses.

(A) require a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration for the killing of
(B) require that there be a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration to kill
(C) require that a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration be present to kill
(D) require a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration to kill
require .. to do sth
(E) require that there be a 60 percent minimum alcohol concentration for the killing of

4.(4)One study found that although government policy and the industrial sector in which a company operates can influence its productivity and financial strength, management decisions have at least as great an impact on a company’s performance.

(A) management decisions have at least as great an impact
与government policy平行
(B) decisions by management have a great impact
(C) manager decisions impact greatly
(D) decisions by a company’s management impact greatly
(E) what a company’s management decides has a greater impact

5.(5)Created in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale where the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after he died in 1744 the scale was reversed to its present form.

(A) in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale where the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after he died in 1744 the scale was reversed to its present form.
(B) in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale in which the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after his death in 1744 the scale was reversed to its present form.
(C) in 1731, Anders Celsius’ original thermometer had a scale in which the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after he died in 1744 the scale had reversed to its present form.
(D) by Anders Celsius in 1731, his original thermometer had a scale in which the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; reversing the scale to its present form after his death in 1744.
(E) by Anders Celsius in 1731, his original thermometer had a scale where the value of 0 corresponded to the boiling point of water; after his death in 1744 the scale reversed to its present form.

6.(6)The United States Navy announced that, beginning next year, they plan to close several of their bases in order to reduce operating expenses.

A. they plan to close several of their bases
B. they are planning to close several of their bases
C. it plans to close several of its bases
D. they plan several closures of their bases
E. it plans to close several of their bases

7.(7)Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere grew by enough of an increased percentage during the twentieth century that it began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, and it caused the average surface temperature to rise.

A) Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere grew by enough of an increased percentage during the twentieth century that it began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, and it caused the average surface temperature to rise.
B) Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere increased by enough of a percentage during the twentieth century that they began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.
C) Levels of atmospheric carbon monoxide increased sufficiently during the twentieth century to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.
考redundancy. A - grew by enough of an increased ..., B- increased by enough of ...;D - which 指代earth; E-during.. 变定语,改变句意。
D) Atmospheric carbon monoxide levels increased by a sufficient percentage during the twentieth century to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth, which caused the average surface temperature to rise.
E) Levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere during the twentieth century increased enough to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth, causing the average surface temperature to rise.

8.(8)Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, was injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.

(A) Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, was injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.
(B) Despite the fact that the lead attorney and his assistant entered the courthouse with police escort, they were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded the attorney with questions and injured him so seriously that he needed immediate medical attention.
(C) Despite their entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, injuring him so seriously as to warrant immediate medical attention.
(D) Despite the fact that they entered the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, having been manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters, was bombarded with questions and injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.
(E) Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions and injured him so seriously as to warrant immediate medical attention.

9.(9)Though research remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.

(A) Though research remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.
(B) Though research remains to be done into what triggered the Civil War, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.
(C) Though the reasons that triggered the Civil War remain to be researched, slavery is not regarded by scholars to be the sole cause.
(D) Despite research remaining into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.
(E) Scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause of the Civil War, though the reasons for it being triggered remain to be researched.

10.(10)Because of differences in the humans body's internal pressure and the ocean's, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascends slowly or they will suffer a painful condition known as the "bends."

A. differences in the human body's internal pressure and the ocean's, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascends slowly or they
B. the difference between the human body's internal pressure and the ocean's, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascend slowly or they
C. the difference in the human body's internal pressure and that of the ocean, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascends slowly or he
D. differences in the human body's internal pressure and that of the ocean, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascend slowly or they
E. the difference between the internal pressure of the human body and that of the ocean, it is essential that a diver returning to the surface ascend slowly or he

发表于 2023-1-11 11:52:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-11 12:01:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-11 13:31:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-11 13:55:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-11 14:08:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-11 14:14:31 | 只看该作者

请问10题的E选项 a diver和ascend不是主谓不一致吗?选项C为什么不行呀?
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