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1.(131)Selling two hundred thousand copies in its first month, the publication of The Audacity of Hope in 2006 was an instant hit, helping to establish Barack Obama as a viable candidate for president.
(A) Selling two hundred thousand copies in its first month, the publication of The Audacity of Hope in 2006 was an instant hit, helping to establish Barack Obama as a viable candidate for president
(B) The publication in 2006 of The Audacity of Hope was an instant hit: in its first month it sold two hundred thousand copies and it helped establish Barack Obama as a viable candidate for president
(C) Helping to establish Barack Obama as a viable candidate for president was the publication of The Audacity of Hope in 2006, which as an instant hit: it sold two hundred thousand copies in its first month
(D) The Audacity of Hope was an instant hit: it helped establish Barack Obama as a viable candidate for president, selling two hundred thousand copies in its first month and published in 2006
(E) The Audacity of Hope, published in 2006, was an instant hit: in its first month, it sold two hundred thousand copies and helped establish its author, Barack Obama, as a viable candidate for president
2.(132)Supply-side economists theorize that large-capital firms find the need to declare bankruptcy more due to the fact that they become burdened with high operating costs than failure to compete for consumer demand.
(A) due to the fact that they become burdened with high operating costs than failure
(B) due to their becoming burdened with high operating costs than to failing
(C) because they become burdened with high operating costs than that they fail
(D) because they become burdened with high operating costs than because they fail
(E) because of their becoming burdened with high operating costs than because of their
3.(133)Although they realize that retirement plan investing provides long-term benefits, many employees wonder whether they put too significant a financial burden on their short term cash flow.
A. Although they realize that retirement plan investing provides long-term benefits, many employees wonder whether they put too significant a financial burden on their
B. They realize that retirement plan investing provides long-term benefits, while many employees wonder whether it puts too significant a financial burden on their
C. While realizing that retirement plan investing provides long-term benefits, many employees wonder whether they are putting too significant a financial burden on their
D. Although they realize that retirement plan investing provides long-term benefits, many employees wonder whether it puts too significant a financial burden on their
E. While realizing that retirement plan investing provides long-term benefits, many employees wonder whether it puts too significant a financial burden on its
4.(134)Visitors to the zoo have often looked up in to the leafy aviary and saw macaws resting on the branches, whose tails trail like brightly colored splatters of paint on a green canvas.
(A) saw macaws resting on the branches, whose tails trail
(B) saw macaws resting on the branches, whose tails were trailing
(C) saw macaws resting on the branches, with tails trailing
(D) seen macaws resting on the branches, with tails trailing
(E) seen macaws resting on the branches, whose tails have trailed
5.(135)There has been a significant occurrence of oak blight increase caused by growing fungus resistance against herbicides.
A) Occurrence of oak blight increase caused by growing fungus resistance against
B) Increase in the occurrence of oak blight caused by growing fungus resistance against
C) increasing oak blight occurrence because of growing resistance of fungi to
D) increase in the occurrence of oak blight due to growing resistance of fungi
E) occurrence of oak blight increase because of growing fungus resistance to
6.(136)The best evidence that we have is the statistics from the Government and the opinions of scientists at leading universities.
(A) that we have is the statistics from the Government
(B) which we have is the Governmental statistics
(C) that we have are the Government's statistics
(D) that we have are the statistics from the Government
(E) which we have are the Governments statistics
7.(137)That many young people were not exposed to the wealth of culture in foreign lands by studying abroad while still in school cannot legitimately be put forth that it is their fault as such opportunities are often predicated on the availability of funds, the encouragement of family, and the prevalence of foreign courses which speak to specific fields of study.
A) That many young people were not exposed to the wealth of culture in foreign lands by studying abroad while still in school cannot legitimately be put forth that it is their fault
B) That many young people were not exposed to the wealth of culture in foreign lands by studying abroad while still in school cannot legitimately be put forth to be their fault
C) It cannot be legitimately put forth that it is the fault of young people who were not exposed to the wealth of culture in foreign lands by studying abroad while still in school
D) It cannot legitimately be put forth that young people are at fault for not being exposed to the wealth of culture in foreign lands by studying abroad while still in school
E) The fact that young people are at fault for not being exposed to the wealth of culture in foreign lands by studying abroad while still in school cannot legitimately be put forth
8.(138)Ironically, before he shot and killed Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre, John Wilkes Booth had performed in front of the president in the very same venue.
(A) before he shot and killed
(B) before the shooting and killing of
(C) before he had shot and killed
(D) prior to when he shot and killed
(E) prior to the shooting and killing of
9.(139)In no other election did the African-American vote have such a profound impact as Barack Obama's breakthrough election of 2008.
A) Barack Obama's breakthrough election of 2008
B) did Barack Obama's breakthrough election of 2008
C) Barack Obama's breakthrough election of 2008 did
D) had Barack Obama's breakthrough election of 2008
E) in Barack Obama's breakthrough election of 2008
10.(140)With some of the busiest airports and ports in Europe, the United Kingdom has far more invasive species of certain types than does any European country.
A. With some of the busiest airports and ports in Europe, the United Kingdom has far more invasive species of certain types than does any European country.
B. As some of the busiest airports and ports in Europe, the United Kingdom has far more invasive species of certain types than does any other European country.
C. Because of some of the busiest airports and ports in Europe, the United Kingdom has far more invasive species of certain types than does any European country.
D. With some of the busiest airports and ports in Europe, the United Kingdom has far more invasive species of certain types than does any other European country.
E. Because it has some of the busiest airports and ports in Europe, the United Kingdom has far more invasive species of certain types than any European country does.