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1.(21)Trust in the medical field has been declining for decades, and the most tangible and immediate damage of that change may be public health and safety.
A. may be
B. has been
C. had been to
D. may be to
E. will be
2.(22)Although the gig economy remains modest—employing a small fraction of the nation’s workers, according to recent studies at several leading think tanks—the technologies that power them are likely to disrupt the American labor market at an increasing rate.
(A) Although the gig economy remains modest—employing a small fraction of the nation’s workers, according to recent studies at several leading think tanks—the technologies that power them are
(B) Because the gig economy remains modest—it employs a small fraction of the nation’s workers, according to recent studies at several leading think tanks—the technologies powering them are
(C) Because the gig economy remains modest—employing a small fraction of the nation’s workers, according to recent studies at several leading think tanks—the technologies powering it is
(D) Although the gig economy remains modest—employing a small fraction of the nation’s workers, according to recent studies at several leading think tanks—the technologies powering it are
(E) With the gig economy remaining modest—it employs a small fraction of the nation’s workers, according to recent studies at several leading think tanks—the technology that powers them is
3.(23)In the southern outskirts of Dar es Salaam, a towering, two-million-square-meter factory compound jointly owned by several top European fashion labels, manufactures shoes and handbags for retailers around the world.
A. In the southern outskirts of Dar es Salaam, a towering, two-million-square-meter factory compound jointly owned by several top European fashion labels, manufactures
B. Jointly owned by several top European fashion labels is a towering-two-million-square-meter factory compound in the southern outskirts of Dar es Salaam, which manufactures
C. In the southern outskirts of Dar es Salaam, a towering, two-million-square-meter factory compound jointly owned by several top European fashion labels manufacture
D. In the southern outskirts of Dar es Salaam, a towering, two-million-square-meter factory compound jointly owned by several top European fashion labels manufactures
E. Jointly owned by several top European fashion labels, a towering-two-million-square-meter factory compound in the southern outskirts of Dar es Salaam, manufacture
4.(24)Being unemployed can be difficult for anyone but, psychologists say, it is particularly challenging for recent college graduates, who often suffer anxiety and depression if they cannot find a job within one year after graduating.
(A) Being unemployed can be difficult for anyone but, psychologists say, it
(B) Being unemployed can be difficult for anyone, but psychologists say that it
(C) Unemployment can be difficult for anyone but, psychologists say, that it is
(D) Unemployment can be difficult for anyone but psychologists say it is
(E) Unemployment, which can be difficult for anyone, psychologists say is
5.(25)The Buffalo Club has approved tenets mandating that members should volunteer time to aid the community.
(A) that members should volunteer time
(B) that time be volunteered by members
(C) the volunteering of time by members
(D) members’ volunteering of time
(E) that members volunteer time
6.(26)The food of Brazil, like its people, is heterogeneous; it is a cross mostly between Portuguese and Italian, with some indigenous influences.
(A) The food of Brazil, like its people, is heterogeneous; it is a cross mostly between Portuguese and Italian, with some indigenous influences.
(B) The food of Brazil is as heterogeneous as its people; it is a cross mostly between Portuguese and Italian, and contains some indigenous influences.
(C) The food of Brazil is as heterogeneous as the country’s people: a cross mostly between Portuguese and Italian, with some indigenous influences.
(D) The food of Brazil is as heterogeneous as its people: a cross mostly between Portuguese and Italian and contains some indigenous influences.
(E) The food of Brazil is as heterogeneous as the country’s people with a cross mostly between Portuguese and Italian, and some indigenous influences.
7.(27)The new device for aiding memory works like a common pacemaker, sends electrical pulses to aid the brain when it is struggling to store new information, but remains quiet when it senses that the brain is functioning well.
A. sends electrical pulses to aid the brain when it is struggling to store new information, but remains
B. sending electrical pulses to aid the brain when it is struggling to store new information, remains
C. sending electrical pulses to aid the brain when it is struggling to store new information, but remaining
D. sends electrical pulses to aid the brain when it is struggling to store new information, but remaining
E. sending electrical pulses to aid the brain when it is struggling to store new information, remaining
8.(28)Both the ethical and pragmatic arguments of either side of the debate are short-sighted, limited, often based in obscure scientific literature, and in the end so rife with technicalities that, in both the laboratory and the field, the decision seems to come down to chance.
A. that, in both the laboratory and the field,
B. that – in both the laboratory as well as the field –
C. that, in both the laboratory and in working in the field,
D. that – in both the laboratory as well as working in the field –
E. that, in both the laboratory as well as working in the field,
9.(29)The group is thought to have arisen from hybridization between females of one species, Leuciscus alburnoides, and males of another species, now extinct, that belonged to a group of fish called Anaecypris.
A. and males of another species, now extinct, that belonged
B. and males of another species, now extinct and that belonged
C. and males of another species that is now extinct and belonging
D. with males of another species, now extinct, and that belonged
E. with males of another species, now extinct, belonging
10.(30)A committee composed of the chief officers of every major airline has announced that the airline industry will soon adopt measures that are designed with added security and safety in mind and that ensures continued long-term employment for thousands of workers.
(A) composed of the chief officers of every major airline has announced that the airline industry will soon adopt measures that are designed with added security and safety in mind and that ensures continued long-term employment for
(B) composed of the chief officers of every major airline have announced that the airline industry will soon adopt measures that are designed with added security and safety in mind and that ensure the continued long-term employment of
(C) composed of the chief officers of every major airline has announced that the airline industry will soon adopt measures designed with added security and safety in mind and that ensures the continued long-term employment of
(D) consisting of the chief officers of every major airline have announced that the airline industry will soon adopt measures designed with added security and safety in mind and ensuring continued long-term employment for
(E) consisting of the chief officers of every major airline has announced that the airline industry will soon adopt measures that are designed with added security and safety in mind and that ensure continued long-term employment for